02/07/2014 - ABIA Consolidated Rental Car Facility Project Update: February 2014 (Newsletter)
Steady construction of the ABIA Consolidated Rental Car Facility continued through January. Crews overcame weather challenges by adjusting plans for concrete pours around days with freezing temperatures and sleet. The project remains on schedule.
United Forming, Inc. continues detailing concrete forms on multiple levels. At ground level, United Forming is very close to completing all preparation necessary to construct columns in the ready/return area. Central Texas Reinforcement (CTR) has also made significant progress, completing concrete reinforcement in several areas. CTR also began installation of tensioning tendons to reinforce concrete, a technique used to maintain the desired level of strength for the structure. Austin Commercial and APAC-Texas has placed more than 23,000 cubic yards of concrete material for foundations, columns, slab on grade and elevated deck.
Plumbing and HVAC subcontractor Young and Pratt continues to install underground utilities and piping in various zones of the project. Young and Pratt is also making the necessary tie-ins to the oil/water separator system as applicable tests are completed.
Underground electric work by Schmidt Electric continues. As elevated formwork becomes available, workers have been placing sleeves and block-outs to prepare for future electrical wiring and plumbing.
Redondo Manufacturing, the architectural pre-cast supplier, has been assisting with coordination of structural and architectural drawings. Redondo Manufacturing is fabricating portions of the pedestrian bridge so they can be installed this month.
Chasco, the site work subcontractor, continues to maintain all Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) measures throughout the project. They have also started the installation of SWPPP measures in Parking Lot C, which will allow the City of Austin to perform the first inspections for their reverse shuttle work. After the inspection is complete, they will be able to start demolition of the existing asphalt and applicable shelter foundations.
Demattei Wong Architecture finalized the design of the toll plaza canopy for review by the Airport’s project management team. The architects also completed the demolition permit packages for the bus shelter reconfiguration to prepare for the demolition permit application. Demattei Wong Architecture is also progressing with documentation of the walkway canopy design.
The project is on track to achieve Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification. As design is being finalized, the LEED team has been tracking specific LEED points that will make this project sustainable and responsive to the environment. The team has completed the Preliminary Design Submittal and is currently waiting for review comments issued by the U.S. Green Building Council. The next step will be responding to any comments provided to finalize the awarded design credits.
Pfeffer Development and Austin CONRAC, LLC continue to work with rental car agencies and the design-build team on tenant improvement designs for the ready/return area, customer service building, and quick turnaround exclusive use areas. Pfeffer Development is also working with Austin Commercial on contract options and pricing impacts.