05/05/2014 - ABIA Consolidated Rental Car Facility Project Update: May 2014 (Newsletter)
The project team at the ABIA Consolidated Rental Car Facility made excellent headway this month. The project remains within budget and on track to be delivered the fall of 2015.
Pfeffer Development is managing the overall facility design and build-out on behalf of each of the rental car companies, with Austin Commercial as the design-builder and Demattei Wong Architecture providing design services. We provide the rental car companies with a single point of contact and minimize risk of delay in completion of the facility, as well as their tenant improvements in the ready/return area, customer service building, and quick turnaround areas (QTAs).
Design and permitting progressed with approval for the building permit resubmittal, finalized flyover design clarifications, and limited use permit to construct the piers for the entry and exit elevated roadways. Exit Plaza piers are highest priority in the construction schedule, to minimize the impact of airport traffic exiting Lot A and the garage.
The location of the flyover canopy was finalized with the pier locations as well as the booths in relation to the support columns. Precast bridge girders and associated materials to construct the flyover are being procured now, as the bridge girders have a long lead-time.
Another milestone reached this month, Austin Commercial held the final major Building Information Modeling (BIM) meeting to run through all of the systems throughout the facility to ensure all systems were coordinated. Any future BIM meetings will be with individual subcontractors and designers.
Additionally, project subcontractors have made substantial structural progress. Schmidt Electric began installing unistrut in an area on the ground floor to support the overhead electrical conduit that will be used as pathways to power the entire building, including all of the QTA equipment such as car washes, lighting, fueling systems, etc. Also on the ground level, United Forming, Inc. is approximately 80% complete forming and stripping columns in the ready/return area.
Redondo Manufacturing has continued to provide steel embeds which will be placed at the edge of the slab to connect precast members. Redondo has made the first precast spandrel delivery this month for the south side of the building. Fabrication for the job is approximately 53% complete.
Reinforcement subcontractor, Central Texas Reinforcement (CTR), has installed over 2,700 tons of reinforcing steel and placed over 226 tons of post tensioning tendons to date.