01/13/2015 - ABIA Consolidated Rental Car Facility Project Update: January 2015 (Newsletter)
The new year is off to a busy start at the ABIA consolidated rental car facility project site. Since breaking ground in 2013, approximately 5,467 tons of reinforcing steel, 71,244 cubic yards of concrete material, and over 582 tons of post tensioning tendons have been placed. The project remains on schedule and on budget to open fall 2015 as LEED Silver certified facility.
The City of Austin is currently reviewing a main building permit update and a site plan exemption for the pedestrian walkway permit. Environmental graphics subcontractor, TBG, Inc., is finalizing the facility wayfinding plan after incorporating recommendations from ABIA and Austin ConRAC representatives.
Young & Pratt, plumbing and HVAC subcontractor, continues to make progress throughout the building in regards to ductwork. The installation of the storm drains behind the precast concrete column covers is ongoing as column and beam sides become available. Young & Pratt is assisting Austin Commercial and DWA with the design of the waterproofing around the drains at the column covers over occupied spaces. The facility’s restroom fixtures have begun arriving on site
as well.
Project electrical subcontractor, Schmidt Electric, continues to install unistrut to support the overhead electrical conduit that will be used as pathways to power the entire building, including all of the QTA (Quick Turn-around Area) equipment such as car washes, lighting, fueling systems, etc. Additionally, lightning protection grounding, conduit, and junction boxes are being installed as areas become available throughout the QTA and garage. Rooms southwest of the ready/return, East Core, and all main distribution frame (MDF) and intermediate distribution frame (IDF) rooms continue to be a priority in January.
Chasco Constructors, project site work subcontractor, has poured the second section of flyover deck and will be pouring the final concrete pour early in January.
Belanger, carwash equipment provider and installer, continues the installation and layout of the equipment in the Reverse Osmosis and Day Tank rooms as the final coatings in these rooms are completed. Carwash equipment has been installed on Level 2 and 3.
Austin Glass has completed the installation of the glass at the south face of the Customer Service Building (CSB) curtain wall. The installation of the glass at the punched openings at the QTA and Parking Management Building (PMB) were also completed in December. Austin Glass is currently installing the framing and glazing at the East and West End of the CSB.