03/18/2015 - Rilke Schule German School of Arts and Sciences Project Update | March 2015 (Newsletter)


Final permit drawings have been submitted to the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA). The design team from RIM Architects continues to respond to MOA review comments. We have submitted the traffic impact analysis to the MOA and Department of Transportation as well. We expect responses within 30 days, including mitigation measures either entity may require. The design team continues to review material submittals from the contractor, Criterion General.


We are using a phased permitting approach, which allows certain phases of construction to begin before full building permit is issued. We currently have a fill and grade permit and expect to have a footing and foundation permit soon.


The civil subcontractor has been busy clearing, grubbing and hauling unsuitable soils off of the site. They have reached 'bottom of hole,’ the limit of excavation required for the building foundation. Gravel fill has been trucked in to bring the subgrade up to bottom of the concrete foundation footings. In anticipation of our next permit, Criterion is forming the footings and installing the reinforcing steel. Concrete can be poured as soon as the footing and foundation permit is issued. Steel fabrication continues by the building supplier, with shipment of the structure anticipated next month.


Building exterior and interior colors and finishes were approved at our last meeting with school and parent representatives. We are also investigating costs on several enhancement options.

Team members from Nanuaq Development, Criterion General, RIM Architects and Enterprise Engineering spoke at the Abbott Loop Community Council in February. We introduced our team and presented an overview of the project. Our goal with this engagement was to communicate what the neighbors can expect as the site transforms, and provide contact information to reach us if any community members have questions during construction.

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